Gabrielle Union Talked About Simon Cowell’s Indoor Smoking On “AGT” And NBC’s Racial Discrimination Investigation 

June 18, 2020 / Posted by:

Gabrielle Union got into a very public shitstorm with America’s Got Talent as well as NBC, Fremantle, and Syco over alleged racist and sexist shit that happened on-and-off camera. She was fired from the series after one season and alleged it was because she spoke out about discrimination. NBC sort of acknowledged they can do better and said they were working with Gabrielle on investigating her claims. Well, Gabrielle says NBC’s investigation was botched from the getgo and they never fairly looked into possible discrimination. Gabrielle also got into Simon Cowell’s asshole ways. Simon Cowell is an asshole?! This is brand new information!

People says Gabrielle was on The Daily Show to talk to Trevor Noah about how racial discrimination has become a hot topic recently. Gabrielle was one of the bigger faces of the cause after her AGT firing. There were accusations about how Gabrielle was called out for having certain hairstyles, racist jokes were made on set, and one act was allowed to audition with “blackface hands.” Gabrielle explained that when she took the job, she expected to show up and watch people do fun shit and didn’t expect things to get messy including Simon Cowell ignoring the law by smoking indoors.

“When your boss–the person who has the ability to determine who gets opportunities and who doesn’t–doesn’t believe that the law applies to him or the rules apply to him, and he does it in full view of NBC, Fremantle and Syco and no one cares about Simon Cowell exposing all of these employees to second hand smoke, that’s day one… What message do you think that sends to anyone that has an issue with the very real racism and the lack of accountability? And it goes on and on and on.”

Previously, Simon’s rep explained that when he was “directly informed” of the complaint, he “immediately changed his behavior” and it “was never raised again.”

Apparently, NBC looked into the allegations and claimed they discovered that nothing wrong went down. How about that! Gabrielle told Trevor that she believed NBC’s investigation was going to be independent but the production team at AGT are the ones who paid for it.

“I decided to participate in this investigation. …Silly me, I thought “independent” was independent. But when NBC and [producers] Fremantle and Syco pay for that investigation, they control it. They turn over what they believe to be inflammatory things, or things that are not advantageous to me.”

Gabrielle’s husband Dwyane Wade has alleged that their house was watched after she went public. And in a legal complaint filed against NBC, Gabrielle alleged threats from NBC chairman, Paul Telegdy, including telling her legal team, “Gabrielle better watch who she calls a racist.” Gabrielle told Trevor:

“In the middle of an investigation about racism and discrimination? This is what’s happening from the top of the company.”

Gabrielle added that white people in power positions in Hollywood need to accept that fixing the problem will negatively impact them.

“We have to be able to be okay with change that doesn’t always benefit us. Some people believe that… the only way to lead is to center yourself in every argument. But what I’m learning throughout this whole process is, sometimes the best way to lead is to get out of the way and make room for someone else. We have to dismantle the whole thing. We can’t put a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound.”

Gabrielle’s attorney, Bryan Freedman, also took some time to drag NBC for their recent Black Lives Matter posts considering they’ve been trying to silence and screw over Gabrielle Union.

“In sharp contrast to NBC’s recent statement on race, what was truly an “outrage” was the fact that Paul Telegdy, Chairman of NBC Entertainment, actually threatened Ms. Union in an attempt to silence her from telling the truth about racist actions that took place on the show. There is no place for this type of racial bullying in the workplace, and it is going to take more than a Tweet from NBC to demonstrate that NBC intends to create an environment free from racism.”

Welp, looks like Gabrielle and her team brought smoke for everyone involved! But don’t worry Simon Cowell and company, Terry Crews will always support you against Gabrielle’s Black Supremacy!

Here’s Gabrielle on The Daily Show:


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