John Cusack Shared A Video Of Police Attacking Him As He Protested In Chicago

May 31, 2020 / Posted by:

Like many, many people across the country and even the world, John Cusack is protesting for Black Lives Matter and against police brutality after the police killing of George Floyd. John protested last night in Chicago, where he’s from and lives, and showed us that even the star of The Journey of Natty Gan is getting shit from the police. The way that this year has been going, seeing the headline “John Cusack Attacked By The Police While Protesting” isn’t even the wildest headline you’ll see this hour.

The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that in the video, which was posted just after midnight this morning, John appears to be filming in various Chicago neighborhoods, giving his followers an insider’s view in real-time. Then, out of nowhere, while capturing a burning car, a group of off-camera cops comes screaming into the frame, smacking the shit out of his bike with batons. In fact, his play-by-play reporting is Pultizer-worthy as a whole.

But that’s not all. During John’s night of cruising (not what you think), he also claims to have been hit with pepper spray while watching as people attempt to tear down the sign outside of Trump Tower. Interestingly enough, a wall of police wearing riot gear are positioned outside the building, preventing anyone from getting too close.

Everything in Chicago looks like it’s on fire, as people are defying curfews and flipping cars in protest. John summed it up like this:

“It’s nasty as fuck out there, everyone is on edge, things burning- open looting – Magnificent Mile- and all over,”

Meanwhile, as John Cusack continues to protest and change the tape in his boombox from In Your Eyes to Fight The Power, multimillionaire pile of peroxide-covered shit, YouTuber Jake Paul, was accused of looting at Fashion Square in Scottsdale, Arizona last night:

Jake claims he didn’t loot and was only at the mall to document what’s going on for his YouTube channel. Well, at least Jake Paul is consistently shitty. I mean, hijacking BLM to pretend like he’s in The Purge, or something, is very on-brand for him.


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