Gabrielle Union Spoke Out About Her “America’s Got Talent” Firing

November 29, 2019 / Posted by:

NBC didn’t know what they were doing when they decided to can the two female judges from America’s Got Talent. Sending Gabrielle Union and Julianne Hough packing has turned out to be the headache of the year. Yes, there is only one month left of the year, so this one’s going to spill into 2020. Fun for them, huh?

There were reports of racist jokes, racial acts, and careless AGT producers who turn a blind eye to it all, while also making racially-packed hair commentary to Gabrielle. Gabrielle kept quiet about it until now. Gabs and her husband Dwyane Wade have said words about it, and so have other NBC stars.

The reports claimed that Jay Leno made a joke during filming about Koreans eating dogs, and when Gabrielle complained about it and said it should be reported to human resources, she was waved away pretty much. There was also a claim that producers thought Gabrielle’s hairstyles were “too black”, and gave notes to Julianne about her looks. NBC responded to Gabrielle and Julianne’s firing by saying that they “regularly refresh” their judges line-up which features Simon Cowell (who has been a judge for four seasons) and Howie Mandel (who has been a judge for ten seasons).

NBC also defended their “long history of inclusivity and diversity.”

Well, Gabrielle hopped on Twitter a couple of days ago to thank everyone for their support. Dwayne got into it more, basically confirming the reports:

And other NBC stars spoke out too:

So everybody loves Gabrielle Union, except for NBC, clearly. I think we know how Gabrielle is going to do deal with this: she’ll roll up with three of her best celeb girlfriends during a live taping of next year’s America’s Got Talent and expose NBC production’s whole unwashed asses for all to see!–Just like she did to the San Diego Rancho Carne Toros!


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