Rita Ora And Andrew Garfield Made It Official By Walking Hand-In-Hand

December 26, 2018 / Posted by:

America’s third favorite Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield, was spotted strolling in London with the same mystery woman he reportedly started dating back in November. It’s a big change for Andrew to go from dating a white-hot A-lister like Emma Stone, to a plain, nondescript gal like Rita Ora (that’s her name, according to Daily Mail). The pair were photographed walking together in the Primrose Hill neighborhood, and “Rita hid her peroxide blonde locks under her trendy baker boy hat” as if she thought she might be recognized. Which might actually be true. The Mail calls her “The Hot Right Now hitmaker, 28”, so I guess if I cared to Google “Hot Right Now”, I might be able to figure out who she is. She’s alternately described as a “blond bombshell”, a “singer” and “Your Song hitmaker”. This is my “Mr. Police, I gave you all the clues” moment, and I am failing miserably!

Here’s Andrew and Rita (pronounced /ˈɹiːta/) out for a festive holiday stroll.

Reps for neither Rita (what, her mom?) or Andrew have commented on these developments. Andrew and Emma broke up in 2015 and Rita was dating American musician Andrew Watt as recently as September. I don’t know who that is either. All I know for sure is that I made a mistake before when I said Andrew was America’s third favorite Spider-Man because I forgot about the new Into The Spider Verse movie so he’s probably more like America’s 6th favorite Spider-Man. So it makes more sense that he would be dating somebody as famous as Rita Ora.

Pic: Wenn.com

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