Hot Slut Of The Day!

November 15, 2016 / Posted by:

A few years ago, a reader e-mailed me to tell me that she wanted to be Hot Slut of the Day for her birthday and wondered what she had to do to get that illustrious title. Back then, I think I told her that she needed to be an abandoned couch on the curb that saved a car. If she wrote me today, I’d tell her that she needs to be a cat whose humans filmed her face morphing into the “Why in the fuck did I just do that?” position after inhaling some dirty pussy butt.

America’s Funniest Home Videos (yes, it still exists) got this video that serves as an obvious PSA for the dangers of sticking your nose in a shitty situation. Today’s HSOTD stuck his cat nose deep into another cat’s ass and when a burst of pussy farts fucked his nostrils wrong, he made the face that any non-scat queen would make after seriously sniffing on some rank ass. This cat accidentally won the mannequin challenge when those smelly cat butt fumes temporarily paralyzed him. This video also serves as a metaphor for so many things.

The next time I get hate mail from a trick who is mad about something on Dlisted, I’m going to show them this video and write, “This is YOU!” I mean, you come to Dlisted and are shocked when you get something shitty? You did this to you! No sympathy from me!

via Laughing Squid (For Angie)

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