Morning Wood

June 24, 2009 / Posted by:

Daryl Hannah arrested for face abuse – Popeater

Looney Laurie from “She’s Got The Look” explains her breakdown, still sounds crazy – SOW

Christian Bale and Batman are fucking done professionally – I’m Not Obsessed

The reviews from Transformers have convinced me that I need to see this epic display of suckery….preferably while on a mind-altering drug – Celebitchy

President Obama needs appoint George Clooney as our new surgeon general – ICYDK

Kim Zolciak’s wig has found a temporary home on the head of Heidi Klum’s Barbie doll – Popbytes

Speaking of wigs found in the gutter – Holy Moly!

Beyonce and her charitable heart hold a food drive for Basement Baby Socialite Life

Cameron Diaz’s pizza elbows – Scandalist

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