Morning Wood

June 15, 2009 / Posted by:

Michael Phelps has a little Spitz above his mouth – TMZ

Art Break: Fallen Fairy Princesses JPG Magazine

Warning to Madrid! Warning to Madrid! Close your borders NOW! – Celebitchy

Boo! Hiss! MiserAlba is not going to prison for effing up Oklahoma City – ICYDK

REFUND: Ashley Jizzdale gives a bunk ass “lapdance” to an Obama impersonator – Popeater

After sleeping off her hangover, SuBo will return to the stage tonight! – E! Online

Because Jacko’s life couldn’t get any weirder, The Hulk is now his trainer – I’m Not Obsessed

Chris Pine or the unabomber? – Popbytes

Brad Pitt and family donated $1 million of their own cash to St. John’s Hospital – Socialite Life

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