Morning Wood

June 11, 2009 / Posted by:

Who needs to attend a class at the Learning Annex on “Why we use toilet paper“? – Socialite Life

Bret Michaels will risk his life to try and pleasure a woman. The women of the world responded with: “Don’t bother.” Celebitchy

Isn’t this the way Mickey Rourke usually dresses? – ICYDK

YES! Joy Behar got her own talk show – E! Online

UsWeekly is going for some kind of record – Popeater

Bethenny Frankel’s face is here, and her nipples are here – Celebslam

It’s always drinkin’ time for Danny DeVINO SOW

Dear Max Drummey, please get the word “CUNTARD” tattooed on your forehead – Holy Moly!

The magical unicorns are on the line, they are wondering why RPattz is trying to suffocate them – I’m Not Obsessed

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