Category: Bryan Callen

Open Post: Hosted By Joaquin Phoenix In Action As The Joker

September 23, 2018 / Posted by:

It looks like those dudes in the background are getting it on as a clown crowd watches… That might be the most interesting part of The Joker.

That Joaquin Phoenix morphing into the Joker clip from the other day looked like some diligent comic book fan’s homemade CGI. It wasn’t. TMZ has posted a clip of Joaquin filming a scene for the upcoming origin story for the famous murder-clown, and that’s really the makeup with which they’re going. Well, they got the clown part right, he typed weakly? It’s an origin story so maybe this is like when the hero is making his own costumes at first and then his lewk evolves a little by the end of the movie? I hope so, otherwise, the Joker is going to look like he became a psychopathic killer after one of the kids at the birthday party he was working at kicked him in the balls.

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