Katie Holmes And Jamie Foxx Are Keeping It Casual For The Kids

April 9, 2019 / Posted by:

Despite whatever he said about being single (and possibly hooking up with some “who?”), Jamie Foxx is still fucking with Katie Holmes. Jamie is probably a bit of a ho, but has a handsome penis and a good sense of humor. And Katie seems more interested in the latter than the former. And that’s OK. After being married to whatever the opposite of a handsome penis with a warm laugh is, Katie seems happy to just be able to chill. And according to Us Weekly, that’s just what she and Jamie are doing. It’s chill, that’s why you won’t see Jamie giving Suri a piggyback on the beach anytime soon. Sources say Jamie and Katie are keeping things low-key for the sake of their kids. What Jamie and Katie do together is strictly grown folks stuff.

Sources say that they both want to keep things private and aren’t looking to pitch a blended family reality show called From A Cult To Da Club, though I would pay good money to watch it.

“They keep it private and protect it for the most part because they don’t want to disrupt either of their families,” a source tells Us Weekly exclusively. “Jamie rarely has her over his house and they mostly hang out separately from their kids.”

Can you believe Suri is 12 years old already? I guess she’s made it this far without a dad, she doesn’t really need one now. And Jamie’s two daughters are 25 and 10. I’m sure everybody is happy having just one place to keep their toothbrush. Plus Jamie is probably very vocal during sex. No need to confuse young ears with the sounds of Ray Charles’ ghost nutting.

Apparently, Katie and Jamie have never really broken up, mainly because they were never really a “couple” couple. They are friends with benefits.

“Katie and Jamie have great chemistry and a romantic relationship,” the source tells Us, noting that the twosome are also “close friends.”

An insider previously told Us that the private duo “see each other more than people would think.”

Here they are at a Pre-Grammy Gala last January.

As you can see, “She has fun with him when they are together”.

“When Katie and Jamie are together, it works,” the insider told Us in July 2018. “It’s weird, but it’s what works for them.”

Since when did having a fuck buddy become weird? Ain’t nothing weird about it. He grown, she grown, they groan. It’s as simple as that!

Pic: Wenn.com

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