Courtney Love Was Issued A Temporary Restraining Order Against Sam Lutfi

December 11, 2018 / Posted by:

Courtney Love has just written another verse to The Ballad Of The Sad Guitar. According to TMZ, Courtney’s just been granted a restraining order against one-time BFF and manager Sam Lutfi. Possibly related (read definitely related), the two are both currently being sued by Francis Bean’s ex-husband Isaiah Silva who claims that Courtney, Sam, 13 Reasons Why actor Ross Butler, and two others, conspired to break into his house, beat him up, sexually batter him, and eventually murder him in order to steal his guitar (they only got as far as steps 1, 2 and 3). Now Courtney is claiming that Sam has been “unrelentingly” harassing her and her family.

The restraining order covers Courtney, her sister Jaimee, and her daughter Francis. Lutfi is not allowed within 100 yards of any them.

We’ve learned Courtney has just filed legal docs saying Lutfi has been demanding money from her for services he says he rendered … and he is now so pissed off he’s incessantly harassing her with emails, texts and phone calls.

Services rendered. Services like a shake down perhaps? Pure wild speculation on my part. There’s absolutely nothing suspicious about this development. All I’m saying is that if I were accused of orchestrating an elaborate revenge plot against my daughter’s sleazy ex-husband, I might try to distance myself from the person who Ross claimed was the one whose idea it was to pay Silva a little visit. Just to check up on him and make sure he was OK because Sam says he was worried that he wasn’t returning messages. Sam’s a caretaker (and a “problem solver” per his Twitter bio). That’s probably why he wants to talk to Courtney real bad right now. He just wants to make sure she’s OK!

Courtney’s lawyer, Howard King, tells TMZ, “The escalating verbal harassment and threats of Sam Lutfi left no choice to Courtney and her family but to seek protection. The Cobains are grateful for the anti-harassment order issued by the Los Angeles Superior Court against Mr. Lutfi and the powers it provides law enforcement to assure that Mr. Lutfi terminates all contact with the family.”

What’s that saying, you lie with dogs you get fleas? Here’s Courtney sleeping on Sam’s sofa in friendlier times.

Poor pupper. Somebody get that dog a flea dip immediately!


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