Rachel Bloom Set The Record Straight About That Neil Patrick Harris Tweet

June 14, 2018 / Posted by:

Neil Patrick Harris wasn’t at the Tony Awards last weekend, but he still managed to make his presence known by live tweeting the event. That’s actually too generous. He popped off with a handful of “observations”, one of which sounded an awful lot like an “I don’t know her” joke directed towards Rachel Bloom who was working the backstage beat for the show. Turns out it wasn’t a joke. Doogie must actually suffer from prosopagnosia, because Rachel gave an interview with GQ and read Doogie for filth. But in a nice way.

GQ wanted to know if the tweet was part of a bit or what, because people were confused as to why Doogie would be so rude. Rachel responded:

No, no, no. It wasn’t a joke. Basically… I saw that tweet. And I was kind of devastated. I was actually going to tweet, “This makes me sad.” But then I was like, “Ehhhhhhhhhh… I don’t want to give him that, necessarily.” Look. I’ve met him a couple times. Very recently, backstage in the dressing room of a Broadway show. And we hung out for a solid 15 minutes with the star of this Broadway show. It was just bizarre to me that it wouldn’t ring a bell. And also, that he wouldn’t Google it.

In case you missed it, Rachel responded to the original tweet by reminding Doogie that they had met on several occasions and that her husband was a writer on How I Met Your Mother. Rachel went on to say that Doogie is basically a two-bit actor with his head surgically sewn into his ass who couldn’t write his way out of a paper bag and gets a boner every time somebody “likes” him on twitter. But in a nice way.

But look, he’s not a writer, so his version of a Twitter joke is to just kind of… live-comment to Twitter followers with kind of random, unformed thoughts. And fame does that to you—where you think every kind of random, unformed thought is a gem, because you get 10,000 likes from it. He has, like, 27 million Twitter followers. And that makes me scared about fame in general. The yes-men. Even if what you’re saying is, I don’t know, kind of weird or unoriginal, you’re still getting a lot of approval and dopamine surges for saying it. And I really, really hope that I can surround myself with people who will call me out on my shit, so that—even if I ever were to have 27 million Twitter followers—I would be just kind of… a person first, and a famous person second.

Oh yes she did that. Neil has since apologized but honestly, he should just retire after that burn.


Doogie better watch his step. Rachel was palling around backstage with Patti Lupone and Bernadette Peters. That’s one girl-gang I would not fuck with.

Pic: Wenn.com

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