NBA Player Ben Simmons May Have Cheated On Tinashe With Kendall Jenner 

May 30, 2018 / Posted by:

Up until last winterKendall Jenner was dating NBA player Blake Griffin. Not long after Blake first got with Kendall, the mother of his two children sued him for palimony, and accused him of skipping out on their family for Kendall. It’s starting to sound like Kendall might be coming for big sister Khloe’s title as The One Who’s Good At Hooking Up With Cheaters.

According to Page Six, 22-year-old Kendall has been dating 21-year-old Ben Simmons of the Philadelphia 76ers for a couple of weeks. On Monday, Ben was seen arriving at LAX; a source says he was in L.A. to have lunch with Kendall at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Tuesday.

Another source says that they were seen at a club last week with a group of friends in Manhattan. That same source says they were “smiling the night away.” Of course they were smiling! Kendall knew how happy her mom would be that she bagged another NBA player, and Ben was thrilled that his name was about to start showing up in three times as many Google alerts as before.

Here’s where it gets sticky. Ben was most recently linked to Tinashe. In fact, it was just a month ago that she was Instagramming pictures of the two of them.

Tinashe doesn’t have anything to say about this, but her brother Kudzai Kachingwe sure does. Ever since the news broke about Ben and Kendall, he’s been re-tweeting tweets of support for his sister, and tweeting a few choice words of his own:

Oh, the irony. Leaving one girlfriend who was accused of doing “Kardashian shit” for the real thing. Although I have a feeling the Kardashian-Jenners would take real offense to that accusation. “Shit? That’s new – normally the haters online associate us with pee.


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