Amber Rose Might Be Trying To Get Back With 21 Savage

May 15, 2018 / Posted by:

It would appear Amber Rose hasn’t downgraded from 21 to a 17 like we all feared. It was just yesterday that the internet thought 34-year-old Amber Rose was hooking up with 17-year-old rapper child Lil Pump. As is turns out, Amber’s heart might still be beating for her one-time love, 25-year-old rapper 21 Savage. Amber and 21 broke up back in March after about nine months of dating and several months of underwear-sniffing. Amber recently said that she doesn’t feel the same way about 21 Savage as she might some of her other ex-boyfriends. No shady booty play clap-backs here; Amber thinks 21 Savage is a great guy and admits she still loves him.

People says that Amber’s gushed about 21 Savage yesterday on Instagram in a now-deleted post featuring the two of them. It sounds like Amber sold her love for 21 harder than a desperate Amway pitch. She says she loves him and his three children, and that he’s the only man who has ever supported her feminism. She also cleared the air about that rumor about her dating Lil Pump (she says she’s not). Amber wrote:

“I love this man so much. I know the Internet portrays me to be some heartless person or they feel like I’m incapable of love but I love him so hard. He is not only one of the most talented people I have ever met but he is so real, humble and smart as hell. I don’t care who you see me in a picture with or who the Internet associates me with because The Internet is fake af and they pull stories out of their asses for click bait. It’s the price of fame I guess but it’s not real life because in real life Shayaa is my heart and soul.

He’s the only one that has ever supported my Slutwalk and my feminist views with no fucks given. He loves my son and I love his Three beautiful children so much. God brings people in ur life for a reason and God brought me him. I don’t care if you call me Thirsty, a hoe, a gold digger or whatever df else. I love him. Put ur pride to the side and tell the person you really love how much they mean to you today because life is too short to care about what anyone else says.”

Awww, so sweet. I’m sure 21 Savage responded with something just as cute and meaningful.

Um, maybe not. Although it’s not know if this picture was posted before or after Amber’s. Maybe he’s still working on his response.

I’m glad Amber has found a love, but that message might have missed the mark. I’m sure God was fine with being dragged into it, and I’m sure he’s more than happy to have brought 21 Savage into her life. But if I were God, I’d have sent an angel down to perch on Amber’s shoulder before she hit ‘send’ and whisper to her, “We get it, you love 21 Savage, terrific. Love is a blessing and whatnot. But listen, maaaaaybe spend just a little more time assuring everyone that you weren’t trying to get with an underage kid.


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