Justin Bieber Shut Down A Domestic Violence Situation At Coachella

April 16, 2018 / Posted by:

TMZ says that Justin Bieber found himself in the middle of a fight during Coachella. That’s not surprising, what is surprising is that the douchey little Timbit is sort of the hero of this story.

It all happened at a Coachella party on Saturday night after Justin and a friend showed up to meet hisĀ good buddy Patrick Schwarzenegger. While they were talking, a guy, who was possibly on drugs (possibly? Come on, it’s Coachella), entered the party and immediately confronted a woman, who might have been his ex-girlfriend. Not long into arguing, the guy grabbed the woman by the throat. Sources tell TMZ that Justin and his friend jumped into action, screaming at him to let her go, to which the drunk asshole replied: “Go fuck yourself.” Justin reportedly responded by punching him in the face and pushing him against a wall, thus freeing the woman.

The drunk throat-grabber was reportedly kicked out of the party, but he was later seen chasing an SUV and screaming Justin’s name while hitting the vehicle. Drunky clearly thought Justin was inside, although it’s not clear if he was. The police were then called, but no one was arrested and no one reported the choking incident.

As much as I want to hate on Justin at all times, I can’t hate on Justin intervening. But I wonder what gave him such a burst of bravery? Must be the same thing that boosted his confidence into believing “uncle on vacation in Florida after mixing Kahlua and back pills” was a good look.


Pic: Wenn.com

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