But Who Is Playing The Pivotal Role Of Lady Elaine Fairchilde?

January 29, 2018 / Posted by:

The names Tom Hanks and Mr. Rogers trended on Twitter today, so naturally people hyperventiliated their lungs off while asking themselves the following questions:

  1. Did Tom Hanks die?
  2. Did Mr. Rogers die?
  3. Did The New York Times publish an exposé about how in the 1980s, Tom Hanks and Mr. Rogers ran an underground child porn ring together?

The good news is, Tom Hanks is still alive. The bad news is, Mr. Rogers is still dead. And the better news is that neither of them have been accused of being sick predators. Not yet, anyway. They trended because Tom is playing Mr. Rogers in a biopic called You Are My Friend.

Variety says that Marielle Heller, who directed Diary of a Teenage Girl, is directing, and the script was written by Micah Fitzerman-Blue and Noah Harpster. Variety describes the movie like this:

The film is inspired by a real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and award-winning journalist Tom Junod. In the story, a cynical journalist begrudgingly accepts an assignment to write a profile piece on the beloved icon and finds his perspective on life transformed.

What in the hell kind of Mr. Rogers movie is that? I don’t want some stupid Mr. Rogers movie that also focuses on an asshole writer whose cynical soul is softened by the genuine sweetness of the international treasure in a cardigan. I want a 3-hour sweeping biopic that only focuses on Mr. Rogers and shows his time as a sniper in Vietnam, the highly important moment when he put on his first cardigan and how he came up with one of his greatest creations Lady Elaine Fairchilde and why he gave her a nose that looks like a short, fat uncut dick covered in period blood. Actually, trying to find the answer for why Mr. Rogers gave Lady Elaine a bloody uncut dick nose might lead to uncovering dark-sided secrets about him. So forget a full-on Mr. Rogers biopic. I’ll gladly take You Are My Friend!

Pics: Wenn.com, PBS

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