Dylan Farrow Wants To Bring Down Woody Allen

January 17, 2018 / Posted by:

Dylan Farrow, Woody Allen’s adopted daughter, has long accused him of abusing her for years. And she gave her first television interview ever to CBS This Morning, and made it clear that she’d like to push Woody off his golden pedestal.

Dylan’s full interview with Gayle King will air on Thursday, but CBS released a promo clip today. They spoke about the allegations she made against her father as a child and again in 2014, the #MeToo movement, and Dylan’s recent activity on Twitter in which she’s been helping to shine a light on Woody’s reputation for anyone who was still in the dark about it.

In the clip, Gayle tells Dylan that a Woody fan recently told her they didn’t believe she would stop talking about the allegations because she’s “caught up in the #MeToo movement” and wants to “bring Woody Allen down.” Dylan is like, yeah, of course that’s the point.

“Why shouldn’t I want to bring him down? Why shouldn’t I be angry? Why shouldn’t I be hurt? Why shouldn’t I feel some sort of outrage that after all these years being ignored and disbelieved and tossed aside?”

Gayle then asked why, after all these years, people should start believing Dylan. She answered that that’s not really up to her whether people want to believe or not. Although she is more concerned with people believing her than just hearing her. And for those who think that Dylan must have been making up lies because Woody was never charged with anything, she says:

“I am credible and I am telling the truth and I think it’s important that people realize that one victim, one accuser, matters. And that they are enough to change things.”

Outside of the promo clip, Dylan told Gayle she hopes that by seeing her face and seeing her speak about the alleged abuse, people might be more likely to believe her.

Much time has passed since Dylan’s original allegations were made way back in 1992 when she was 7 (she’s 32 now). And Woody was cleared of any wrongdoing. So the only justice Dylan can get is for more famous people to shout out “I believe her!“, and the possibility of Woody’s career going down in flames. While she’s waiting for that to happen, I suppose she could always get a little satisfaction from reading those terrible reviews of Wonder Wheel. And Magic in the Moonlight, etc.

Here’s the clip from the interview. If Dylan ever wants to make a movie about her life, the first call she needs to make is to Vanessa Bayer’s agent.

Pic: CBS

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