Saint West Was Hospitalized For Pneumonia

January 2, 2018 / Posted by:

Kim Kardashian probably expected to spend the days after Christmas rolling around naked on top of the pile of stocks Kanye West gave her while her army of nannies kept a watchful eye on her kids. But that’s not what happened for Kim and Kanye. TMZ says that their 2-year-old son Saint West was taken to an L.A. area hospital on December 28th with a bad case of pneumonia.

Sources say Saint was kept in the hospital until Saturday, and that Kim and Kanye took turns staying with him while he was there. Spending so much time in a hospital and leaving with the same body she arrived with must have been really weird for Kim. Saint is at home now, and he’s reportedly doing well. Kim commented on Saint’s fight with pneumonia on Instagram, saying that Saint really went through it, and thanking the doctors and nurses.

Pneumonia is no joke. I was hospitalized for a couple days when I was 4 for low-end pneumonia, and all I remember is the nurse giving me a gross banana popsicle when I specifically asked for orange, and that my loopy little self wouldn’t stop talking about the circus. And the gross medicine you take when you get home. I don’t know how Kim and Kanye are going to get a 2-year-old to take that gross medicine. I suppose they could tell him that if he doesn’t take it, Uncle Rob is going to sneak into his room and steal all his candy. But something tells me that’s a common threat in a Kardashian/Jenner home.

Pic: Instagram

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