Ben Affleck And Lindsay Shookus Were Spotted House Shopping

October 25, 2017 / Posted by:

It’s that time again when we check in on Ben Affleck’s relationship with his girlfriend of questionable origin Lindsay Shookus. After three (public, at least) months of being together, Ben and Lindsay have made that all-important relationship leap of getting papped shopping for a multi-million dollar mansion together.

TMZ says that yesterday, Ben and Lindsay spent the day looking at houses on the west side of Los Angeles. It’s not known whether the house will be just for Ben or for both of them, but whatever gets bought will surely be fancy.

TMZ says they were seen looking at a $18.5 million home in the Santa Monica mountains as well as $12 million homes in Pacific Palisades and Brentwood. Ben and Lindsay allegedly stayed at the Santa Monica mansion for over an hour, and Lindsay was seen holding the spec sheet when they left. Whatever house gets chosen, I hope it has a big backyard for Ben’s damage control doggie and touch football games with BFF Tom Brady.

Lindsay lives in NYC for her job at Saturday Night Live, as well as for her ex-husband and daughter. As much as I believe in the power of a good attention-grabbing stunt, I don’t think this house will be Ben and Lindsay’s. I guess we’ll only know for sure that she’s living there half the time if in about a month after moving in, a “source” tattles to a tabloid about Ben’s slob ways. I can see a “source” getting tired of pulling soggy cheeseburger wrappers out of the pool filter every time Ben decides to eat in the hot tub.


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