Gabrielle Union Is All For Eating Your Man’s Ass

October 21, 2017 / Posted by:

This is the classiest post I’ve ever penned. Gabrielle Union was kind enough to reveal to the Sway In The Morning radio show that she and her NBA player husband Dwayne Wade are progressive enough to engage in a little rimming now and then during sex. For those of you who might be confused, that means ass-eating. And in an interesting twist, Gabrielle revealed that she’s often the one doing the dining. Chomp that ass, Gabby!

TMZ reports that host Sway asked Gabrielle the immortal question that should be asked of every celebrity in every interview – from Betty White down:

“So, how old were you when you first ate a butt?”

Gabby insists that a lot of straight dudes like a girl to play in their backyard, but they just won’t admit it. By the way, Gabrielle’s answer to the above question was “listen, it’s all about equality.

This exchange came up during a discussion about sexuality, and how Gabrielle believes that reciprocity should occur more frequently between partners when they’re getting after it. Cheers to the gal on the right in the video below who notes that “we all got the same butts. If a woman can like it, a man can.” Truer words!

Some of the Sway In The Morning team clutched their pearls and acted like they had never heard of such an outlandish concept. This lady on Twitter responded appropriately.

Speaking of Twitter, as you can imagine, Gabrielle’s revelation sparked some commentary.

Sure, no one needs the imagery of Gabrielle Union with her head up her man’s ass. But it’s not like she revealed that they sacrifice goats to Baal when they’re in the bedroom. It’s salad-tossing, not spying for Putin.

Pic: YouTube

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