Trent Reznor Has Words For Trump And Ashton Kutcher

July 27, 2017 / Posted by:

Nine Inch Nails was one of those bands I pretended to like when I was a kid in an attempt to seem cool. All I really knew about them was their lead singer seemed angry, and that someone accidentally put the second N backwards on their logo (that’s why you don’t go use a discount graphic designer!). Well, several decades on, and their lead singer Trent Reznor is still angry about stuff. In a weirdly random turn, one of the things he’s angry about is Ashton Kutcher. Not as random: Trump.

Trent Reznor spoke to Vulture about Nine Inch Nails’ most recent album Add Violence. Early in the interview, Trent sort of takes a swipe at artists who Tweet out all aspects of their life. He said there were people whose music he couldn’t handle anymore after seeing them “bitching on Twitter about a waiter like a fucking asshole.” He wouldn’t say who, but that doesn’t mean he’s averse to naming-names.

Let’s get Trent’s Trump talk out of the way first. Trent discusses getting older (he’s 52 now), and says that the world has gotten weirder, “especially politically.” That led to talking about Trump, and Trent didn’t hold back.

“My kids walk in the room and I’ve got CNN or MSNBC on and I have to hit the mute button because I don’t want to get into a discussion about how embarrassing the president is. He’s a fucking vulgarian. Aside from whatever ideological beliefs he has – if he has any – he’s a grotesque person who represents everything I hate. I’m repulsed by everything about him and he’s the president, you know? I haven’t figured out how to rationalize that to my kids’ beautiful little optimistic minds.”

Is spending millions on golf trips an ideological belief? I can’t find my notes from high school politics class.

Now onto Ashton Kutcher. Trent was asked by Vulture about linking music and tech (Nine Inch Nails adapted quickly online, and he’s worked with Beats and Apple Music). He sort of brushed off his involvement, then made Charlie Sheen’s heart flutter by dragging “tech genius” Ashton Kutcher.

“My experience with Beats Music then at Apple largely was dismissed from outside, maybe justifiably, as here’s another celebrity moron holding up a phone and expecting some sort of credit. That kind of situation, which mine isn’t, would be insulting to the people that actually are doing the important jobs. And I don’t want to hear about ‘Ashton Kutcher’s a fucking tech genius.’ I don’t give a shit about that. He seems like an asshole. [Laughs] I don’t know where that rage just came from.”

Ashton Kutcher has invested in stuff like Airbnb and Foursquare. Maybe Trent has some long-buried pent-up anger from an Airbnb gone wrong that finally resurfaced. Like that his $399 a night beachside rental advertised a real coffee maker when in fact it was just a Keurig with a box of stale pods. Or maybe Trent always wanted to be Punk’d. Trent, I’m sure if you ask nicely, Ashton would be happy to come over to your house and pretend to repossess one of your cars.


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