Don’t Call Hailey Baldwin An Instagram Model

June 20, 2017 / Posted by:

Even though that picture above looks like the image that would accompany a Wikipedia article on Instagram models, Hailey Baldwin does not want people to call her an Instagram model. Hailey recently landed the cover of Elle UK’s July issue and she tells them (via Entertainment Tonight) that being famous on Instagram has nothing to do with her success.

When I think of an Instagram model, I think of someone who posts pictures on Instagram and says “I’m a model” enough times that they believe it, or someone who gets paid to advertise loose turd tea. Hailey says she is neither (at least not all of the time).

“I work my ass off to make what I have and to prove that this is what I want to do. I want to be a model. I don’t think I would be where I am if people didn’t see something in me. I put all my modeling [photos] on my Instagram because I’m showing it to people. It’s not about me getting paid to model for things on Instagram – of course, sometimes we do get paid for things we do for Instagram and Twitter – but there is a line of calling someone an ‘Insta model’ or an ‘Insta star.'”

Here’s an example of Hailey’s hard work in action. Prepare yourself for captivating facial charisma in action. See, haters? Modeling is clearly in her blood.

I have to give Hailey credit where credit is due. She wants to be a model, and she’s got what it takes to succeed in today’s competitive modeling world. No, not millions of paid-for followers on Instagram. I’m talking about a dead-behind-the-eyes hundred-mile stare and a name that makes people think “Oh, she’s the spawn of (insert name of marginally famous person here).” Watch out, Bella Hadid.

Pic: Instagram

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