Charlie Sheen Brought Ricky “Wild Thing” Vaughn Out Of Retirement For The World Series

November 3, 2016 / Posted by:

Charlie Sheen has been really into this year’s World Series, because the Cleveland Indians played and that was the team used in his 1989 movie Major League. Two weeks ago, Charlie tweeted a picture of himself as Major League’s sexiest near-sighted fastball-throwing felon Ricky “Wild Thing” Vaughn and joked: “if called upon, I’d be honored.” Charlie Sheen even tried really hard (and failed, several times) to get to throw out the first pitch during any of the Indians’ home games. But one of Charlie’s smaller, more lucid dreams did come true last night.

Charlie got to go to Game 7 in Cleveland last night and went as Ricky “Wild Thing” Vaughn. Or at least what Ricky Vaughn would look like several decades later after he quit baseball, had a couple kids with a chick who sells counterfeit Indians jerseys on Kijiji, and got fired from assistant coaching a high school team in Parma after getting caught selling homemade HGH.

And it looks like Charlie came prepared:

Who knows if the night ended with a parking lot fight after Jobu caught Charlie trying to steal his rum.

The Cleveland Indians ended up losing last night, so Charlie in his Wild Thing costume was less of a lucky charm than he probably thought he’d be. Which can only mean one thing. Clearly the Chicago Cubs must have had their own movie pitcher mascot in attendance last night. Did anyone spot the grown-up version of the kid from Rookie of the Year?


Pic: YouTube

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