The Biebs Almost Stuffed His Piggy Bank With $5 Million Of GOP Donor Money

July 29, 2016 / Posted by:

The only thing Justin Bieber should be offered is a one-way ticket to Mars, but for some reason, the organizers of a GOP event offered him a pile of money that’s even bigger than his throbbing pus-filled ego. Republican donors really, really wanted the butt paste clinging to Canada’s ass crack at their event and offered him $5 million for just a 45 minute show. Scott Baio is normally only full of shit, but today he’s also full of sadness and rejection, because he totally would’ve performed his mega hit “How Do You Talk To Girls” at that event for an Uber ride and a Trump butt plug.

TMZ says that the Biebs’ agency CAA received the $5 million offer from the promoter of an event that went down during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. The money was coming from GOP donors and he would’ve gotten the cash upfront before the show. His production expenses were also going to be covered by donors. The offer sat in the Biebs’ mound of mush brains for a second and he was close to accepting it because $5 million buys a lot of weed-laced pacifiers and it would have been his biggest single paycheck for one show. The Biebs also figured that since he’s Canadian, he doesn’t really have a “dog in the fight.

The Biebs’ was told that the event was “not political.” He wouldn’t have had to endorse Jabba the Trump or GOP policies.

Justin’s manager Scooter Braun thought the idea was as bad as his nickname. Scooter is Hillary Clinton all the way (he hosted a fundraiser for her at his house) and at first suggested that the promoter put “Black Lives Matter” banners around the venue. The promoter shit on that idea and instead said that they’d put “All Lives Matter” banners up. The promoter also made it clear that Justin couldn’t talk shit about Trump or the GOP. Hmm, I wonder if they requested for the Biebs to do that number where he pisses in a mop bucket while cursing out Bill Clinton?

The promoter also promised that LeBron James was going to be at the event. But when Scooter talked to LeBron’s people, he learned it wasn’t true. LeBron wasn’t even going to be in Cleveland during the RNC and he warned Justin about doing the event. Justin’s band members, who are mostly African-American, refused to play that shit too. And Scooter threatened to quit as his manager if he took the gig. The Biebs eventually turned down all that sweet, sweet money.

Okay, who in their right or wrong mind would offer this douche that much money to do anything?

But are we sure that promoter wasn’t really a DNC operative? They knew that as soon as Justin Bieber stepped on stage at that GOP event, nearly every Republican in there would’ve been like, “That’s it. Too far. I’m voting for Hillary.

And here’s the Biebs in L.A. a few days ago:


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