And Now For The Time MSNBC Staff Started An Angry Chant About Brian Williams At A Party

June 23, 2015 / Posted by:

Brian Williams hasn’t even started his new job at MSNBC, and already it sounds like he’s going to have problems. Well, you know – besides the obvious, like getting caught in a web of lies every time someone accuses him to stealing their food from the staff break room. “Of course this is my cereal. It was given to me by U.S. Naval Captain Horatio Magellan Crunch as a reward for rescuing his ship from the Soggies.

According to Page Six, things started to get awkward between Brian Williams and MSNBC back in 2012. Brian had just done a two-part report for Rock Center with Brian Williams in which he took aim at cable news. Williams described cable news as “corrosive and does nothing to help compromise in this country.” Brian interviewed a bunch of cable news people, like angry daddy Bill O’Reilly and pallid lizard queen Ann Coulter, but MSNBC refused to participate in that fight. MSNBC were so pissed at BriWi for talking shit about cable news that several months later, at their staff Christmas party, everyone celebrated their mutual hatred of Brian Williams by chanting “Fuck Brian Williams.”

And the staff of MSNBC might still be chanting “Fuck Brian Williams” to this day. Page Six says that Rachel Maddow commented on her new co-worker last week, saying that she was “really happy” he was moving in, but added that “it is quite possible that I’m causing some schpilkas [extreme nervousness] somewhere in this building because I’m talking about this.

I wouldn’t worry too much about Brian Williams’ feelings in all of this. I bet he’s already convinced himself they were actually chanting, “Fuck, Brian Williams…is a really great news anchor.


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