Category: Leonard Whiting

Judge Throws Out The Child Abuse Lawsuit Over The Nude Scene In 1968’s “Romeo And Juliet”

May 26, 2023 / Posted by:

Waaaayyy before Sam Levinson’s insatiable need to force his audience into watching naked “high schooler,” there was Franco Zeffirelli, who directed the 1968 Romeo and Juliet film.  The film features a scene where we see the bare butt of Leonard Whiting (Romeo) and the bare breasts of Olivia Hussey (Romeo), and well, they were underage at the time. Olivia was 15, and Leonard was 16. And back in January, Olivia and Leonardo, who are now both 72, filed a $500 million lawsuit against Paramount Pictures for sexually exploiting them as minors and for distributing nude images of children. But word just dropped that the judge is throwing out the case.

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Olivia Hussey And Leonard Whiting Of 1968’s “Romeo & Juliet” Have Filed A Sexual Exploitation And Child Abuse Lawsuit Over A Teenage Nude Scene In The Movie

January 4, 2023 / Posted by:

For some of us, Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968’s film version of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, starring Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting, is forever burned into our brains because we had to watch it in junior high school or high school. And I can still hear the ESCANDALOSO gasps from the other kids over the sight of Romeo’s bare ass and Juliet’s boobs. I didn’t find out until years later that Olivia and Leonard were minors when they filmed the movie. Well, now, according to Olivia and Leonard, the nude scene should’ve never seen the light of scandalized 8th-grader eyes. Together, they have filed a $500 million lawsuit against Paramount Pictures for exploiting them as minors and for distributing child porn.

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