Tory Lanez Seemed To Fall Asleep In Court Yesterday And Chose Not To Testify

December 22, 2022 / Posted by:

As you know, rapper-slash-tiny menace, Tory Lanez, is currently on trial for allegedly shooting Megan Thee Stallion. He is fighting three gun felonies and is facing 22 years in jail. The trial has been a mess so far, with Tory pulling stunts like bringing his young son with him to court to inspire sympathy for some reason, and the defense has suggested that it was actually Megan’s former assistant and friend, Kelsey Harris, who shot Megan in the foot. Megan’s bodyguard also went missing and never testified, and Kelsey’s memory of the evening suddenly became fuzzy upon taking the stand. SHOCKINGLY, Tory himself has now chosen not to testify before closing arguments, but he possibly took a little nap while jury instructions were being read.

TMZ says that Tory seemed a bit sleepy during the jury instructions in court yesterday

Courtroom eyewitnesses say T.L.’s eyes closed, and his head bounced up and down several times like someone fighting off exhaustion.

To be fair, it only appeared to happen during the jury instructions–which don’t pertain to Tory–but still… he’s the one on trial!!!

Billboard adds that during yesterday’s proceedings, both Tory and the driver of the car the night Megan was shot, Jaquan Smith, did not take the stand. Tory told the judge that he was not testifying. And the defense wants you to believe that they didn’t call Jaquan Smith to the stand because if they did, the jurors would’ve had to return after Christmas.

Speaking to Billboard during the recess, Lanez attorney George Mgdesyan said he’d wanted Smith to testify, but that procedural wrangling and the possibility of a delay that could have forced jurors to return after Christmas prevented him from taking the stand.

Closing arguments began with Deputy District Attorney Alexander Bott reminding jurors of Megan’s story and how the trial has had immense emotional blowback for her. Earlier, when Megan testified, she’d said she’d wished Tory had “killed” her rather than go through the aftermath of being shot:

“It was hard for Megan to testify at trial,” said the prosecutor. “This is what she said: “I’m having a really difficult time sitting up here and comfortably tell my story — because not only do I have to sit next to a group of people who have been continuously spreading misinformation, making me look like a bad person, I have to sit across from Tory and it’s really hard and I like to present like I’m strong, but I’m really trying. I don’t like to look weak.””

Bott continued by reminding jurors that Megan and Lanez were “close” and “hooking up” at the time of the shooting, before imploring: “So why would Megan say to you and the police that the defendant shot her if it wasn’t true? Ask yourself if that makes sense.” He also cited Megan’s claims of blowback for coming forward, including abuse and threats on social media and disbelief from powerful men in the music industry. “Look what coming forward has done to her life,” he said. “Look what it’s done to her life, her career, her reputation.”

Alexander then picked apart the idea Kelsey had shot Megan. He brought up texts from Kelsey to Megan’s bodyguard asking for help and body cam footage of the night where Kelsey was concerned for Megan and asked her, “Are you okay?”

When it was the defense’s turn, they focused on the eye-witness testimony from one man, Sean Kelly, who said he’d seen two women scuffling and that there was a “struggle” for the gun. But earlier in the trial, Sean had also said that he hadn’t seen a gun at all, so… bit of a contradiction there. Tory’s lawyer, George, also suggested Megan was a big liar, first pointing out how she didn’t say she was shot or who shot her when this originally happened. He also pointed out that Megan lied about being in a sexual relationship with Tory to Gayle King but admitted to it in court.

The defense’s closing arguments will conclude today, and then it’s time for jury deliberations. TMZ says that as Tory left court, he avoided questions, which included asking him about how sleepy he was:

Tory Lanez was wide-awake leaving the courthouse Wednesday following his defense team’s closing arguments, being peppered with questions by paparazzi about dozing off during the trial.

For his part, Tory refused to answer any questions, about falling asleep or otherwise… and he had his son with him again. Tory walked out of the courthouse carrying his son, and they got into a waiting SUV and drove off.

It’s worth noting… Tory was paying close attention to his defense’s closing arguments and was definitely wide-awake for that part of the trial.

Tory isn’t the only one who is tired. I’m also tired, tired of Tory Lanez!

Pic: Michael Simon/Startraksphoto

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