Birthday Sluts

December 21, 2022 / Posted by:
Jane Fonda (85)
Madelyn Cline (25)
Kaitlyn Dever (26)
Jinger Duggar (29)
Quinta Brunson (33)
Tom Sturridge (37)
Steven Yeun (39)
Tom Payne (40)
Shaun Morgan (44)
Rutina Wesley (44)
Emmanuel Macron (45)
Lukas Rossi (46)
Jemele Hill (47)
Natalie Grant (51)
Julie Delpy (53)

Pic: Bettman/Getty

Khrystyne Haje (54)
Michelle Hurd (56)
Kiefer Sutherland (56)
Andy Dick (57)
Govinda (59)
Ray Romano (65)
Jane Kaczmarek (67)
Chris Evert (68)
Samuel L. Jackson (74)
Jeffrey Katzenberg (72)
Phil Donahue (87)
Florence Griffith Joyner (1959-1998)
Betty Wright (1953-2020)
Thierry Mugler (1945-2022)
Frank Zappa (1940-1993)
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