Birthday Sluts

December 20, 2022 / Posted by:
Jenny Agutter (70)
DaniLeigh (28)
Isabel Durant (31)
Jillian Rose Reed (31)
JoJo (32)
Anoop Desai (36)
Jonah Hill (39)
Lucy Pinder (39)
Lara Stone (39)
David Cook (40)
Ashley Cole (42)

Pic: RGR Collection/Alamy

Dr. Sandra “Pimple Poppper” Lee (52)
Todd Phillips (52)
Chris Robinson (56)
Iqbal Theba (59)
Michael Badalucco (68)
Uri Gellar (76)
Dick Wolf (76)
Peter Criss (77)
Kathryn Joosten (1939-2012)
Irene Dunne (1898-1990)
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