Birthday Sluts

December 19, 2022 / Posted by:
Tyson Beckford (52)
Backpack Kid (21)
King Princess (24)
Jenelle Evans (31)
Keiynan Lonsdale (31)
Paulina Gretzky (34)
Ronan Farrow (35)
Annie Murphy (36)
Lady Sovereign (37)
Jake Gyllenhaal (42)
Marla Sokoloff (42)
Sarah Cooper (45)
Rosa Blasi (50)
Alyssa Milano (50)
Amy Locane (51)

Pic: Ralph Lauren

Lauren Sanchez (53)
Kristy Swanson (53)
Jamie Hince (54)
Ken Marino (54)
Criss Angel (55)
Jennifer Beals (59)
Til Schweiger (59)
Jill Talley (60)
Mike Lookinland (62)
Limahl (64)
Tim Reid (78)
Maurice White (1941-2016)
Cicely Tyson (1924-2021)
Edith Piaf (1915-1963)
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