Paps Catch Amy Robach And T.J. Holmes Walking Arm-In-Arm In New York

December 15, 2022 / Posted by:

Since their alleged extra-marital affair was exposed over two weeks ago, Good Morning America anchors Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes have been the talk of the town (aka Planet Earth). Initial reports suggested that Amy and T.J. weren’t ashamed of their romance, but after gossip came out about T.J. having a separate pre-Amy affair with a married GMA producer, both hosts were taken off the air. Immediately after that, we learned about a third T.J. work affair (dude, cheat at the gym like a normal person). Since then, ABC News has been conducting an internal investigation into the Amy-T.J. scandal, and neither host will return to air until it is completed. About a week ago, paps were following Amy while she was walking her dog in New York City, and she told them, “You guys really need to get a life, I’m sorry. It’s kind of over now.” What’s over? Her relationship with T.J.? Or the scandal itself? Unclear.

A couple of days ago, a source told The Daily Mail that Amy and T.J. were keeping their distance from each other so they won’t “jeopardize their futures with the network any more than they already have.” But yesterday, an insider told E! News that the cheaters “are still very much together.” Then, this afternoon, the Daily Mail caught Amy and T.J. walking arm-and-arm and dining together in NYC. Suck it, prudes!

The Daily Mail posted pap pics of the couple “wrapped up and loved up on a cold Manhattan day”:

The pair were also filmed leaving T.J.’s apartment in the Financial District and grabbing lunch at the Capital Grille a few blocks away:

Robach had arrived at Holmes’s apartment around noon, entering through the back door in an apparent attempt to keep below the radar. But any thought of being low key was discarded when they emerged through the front door moments later and walked the short distance to the restaurant.

Robach ordered a salad and glass of white wine while Holmes tucked into a steak – the turmoil of the past few days seeming to have done nothing to diminish his appetite. They ate and chatted quietly and closely apparently unconcerned at who might see them now that their secret is out.

After lunch, “perhaps buoyed by their wine and conversation,” the Daily Mail reports that the two strolled back towards T.J.’s apartment. Before today’s outing, Amy and T.J. hadn’t been spotted together since they returned to GMA a few days after news of their affair broke. But these pics prove that even a massive cheating scandal can’t kill a love like T.J. and Amy’s. Only T.J. can do that with another affair. “Once a cheater, always a cheater!” -Rachel Green’s mom

Pic: ROGER WONG/ Images

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