Great American Family Actor Neal Bledsoe Has Left The Network After Candace Cameron-Bure’s “Traditional Marriage” Comments

December 6, 2022 / Posted by:

This year for Christmas there will be gallons of coal piled into Candace Cameron-Bure‘s stocking because Santa has placed her on the permanent Naughty list. Last month Candace reminded everyone she burns rainbow flags to warm her cold heart by stating there will never be an LGBTQ-themed offering on her new home for crappy Christmas movies, Great American Family. In the aftermath, many people removed their earrings and threw haymakers in her direction for being such a pious prude. And now, one of GAF’s actors, Neal Bledsoe, has packed his belongings and left the network entirely to stand with the LGBTQ+ community. Why he joined the network in the first place is beyond me, but okay!

Neal has done a couple of movies for Great American Family but not anymore. During an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Candace was asked if Great American Family’s Christmas movies would ever star a same-sex couple; she said that the network was going to focus on “traditional marriage.” When she got shit for her comments, she said that “it saddens me that the media is often seeking to divide us, even around a subject as comforting and merry as Christmas movies.” Well, now Neal Bledsoe has become one of the casualties of GAF’s war on the latest edition of the Gay Agenda. In a lengthy post to Variety, Neal addresses his love for the community and admits he would NEVER turn his back on them. And if that means he has to leave GAF? DEUCES!

You may have noticed that I have been unusually silent at a time when I should have been promoting a holiday film, a film with the express purpose of bringing everyone comfort in a time of great tumult and change, but I cannot continue with business as usual. I cannot take comfort from, nor will I give refuge to, those who excuse exclusion and promote division in any way, shape, or form. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, and these are mine: the recent comments made by leadership at Great American Family are hurtful, wrong, and reflect an ideology that prioritizes judgment over love. I was raised as a Christian, and believe in the essential message of love and forgiveness. That said, I could never forgive myself for continuing my relationship with a network that actively chooses to exclude the LGBTQIA+ community.

I’m sure this response made Candy’s blood boil behind her Joker-like smile but Neal didn’t stop there. Just to make sure everyone knew his position he re-iterated once again he won’t allow his art to be affiliated with exclusion.

As an artist, I yearn to be proud of the work I create. But, the thought that my work could be used to deliberately discriminate against anyone horrifies and infuriates me. I hope GAF will change, but until everyone can be represented in their films with pride, my choice is clear.

Fast forward to Christmas 2023 where GAF finally breaks down and produces a same-sex holiday film to save face. But don’t expect it to involve humans. They’ll probably use two animated sea creatures and call it Fishing For Love or some shit. And Candy will market it as “A different kind of friendship” so the viewers won’t throw Bibles through GAF’s windows in protest.

Pic: INSTARImages


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