Open Post: Hosted By The 50-Year-Old Woman Who Broke The World Record For Bungee-Jumping The Most Times In One Hour

November 8, 2022 / Posted by:

Bungee jumping and sky diving are my worst nightmares. Why would you wanna plunge from a towering height to your (possible) death? I don’t care how many Amazing Race contestants walked away unscathed; look what happened to Peggy Hill! But, apparently, people love that thrill-seeking shit. See: Linda Potgeiter from South Africa, who just broke the Guinness World Record for bungee-jumping the most times in 1 hour. 50-year-old Linda managed to make 23 jumps, which is one death wish jump every two and a half minutes!

The Guinness World Records reports that Linda’s “bungee bonanza” took place on South Africa’s highest bridge, which is over 700 feet above the Bloukrans River. 19 years ago, former record holder Veronica Dean made 19 jumps at the same location. Even though bungee jumping may not strike people as physically demanding (you’re just… falling), Guinness says doing it non-stop for a full hour requires crazy core strength and cardio fitness. Linda’s coach, Eugene Eloff, had her on an intense training regimen to get her ready. But he says breaking the record is “90% in the head and 10% physical.”

On the day of the attempt, Linda “showed no hesitation” and made her first several jumps with a big smile. However, after she passed the 10-jump mark at 23 minutes, she began to visibly tire. The high altitude and non-stop jumping began to take its toll, and the only thing keeping her going was adrenaline. By the time Linda equaled Veronica’s old record, she was barely able to stand. But she pushed through the exhaustion and managed to hit 23 jumps! Here’s a preview of Linda breaking the record from a South African TV show:

Linda says that she used to be “quite fearful” due to her abusive childhood. So she decided she had to do something “on a regular basis” that would “put fear in front of me.” That’s how she got into skydiving and bungee jumping. The issue is… when does the thrill get old? What’s next? BASE jumping? Free solo climbing? Huffing air duster? Linda’s friends and family need to keep a close eye on her…

Pic: Guinness World Records

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