Open Post: Hosted By Miss Argentina And Miss Puerto Rico Falling In Love And Getting Married

November 2, 2022 / Posted by:

In 2020, Mariana Varela (Miss Argentina) and Fabiola Valentín (Miss Puerto Rico) faced off at the Miss Grand International 2020 beauty pageant. Now, if movies like Drop Dead Gorgeous have taught us anything, these beauty queens will do anything to win. Sabotage, back-stabbing, even… (dun dun duuun) MURDER! Luckily, these two didn’t fall victim to homicidal tropes. Hola! reports that, in a surprising twist, Mariana and Fabiola actually fell in love and got married! Introducing the new Missuses Argentina-Puerto Rico!

Other than the odd clue on social media, the two women decided to keep their love on the down low. Then, last month, both women posted the header pic with the caption “Un verano contigo” (translation: “a summer with you”). Finally, 3 days ago, the ladies shared some big news: they’d gotten married! They posted videos and pics of their amor romántica to Instagram with the caption: “After deciding to keep our relationship private, we opened the doors to them on a special day. 28/20/22” Here’s the post:

The winner of Miss Grand International 2020, Miss Ghana Abena Akuaba, took the comments to congratulate the newlyweds, writing that the pageant “brought together a beautiful union.” I mean, that really is a beautiful union. Not just cuz of their happiness, but also because of their perfect, gorgeous faces. If they decide to have a baby, it’s gonna be a fight to the death over which woman gets to pass on their genes. A good way to determine the winner might be… a beauty pageant? “And now, for everyone’s favorite category, ‘Most Child-Bearing Hips!'”

Pic: Instagram

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