Night Crumbs

October 20, 2022 / Posted by:

Carrie Underwood says that as someone who takes pride in her singing, she has lost “respect” for singers who don’t “sound like they’re supposed to” and can’t hit their high notes while performing live.  “Now you know how we feel about losing respect for a singer,” said those who remember Carrie liking a Matt Walsh anti-mask tweet. But I wonder who Carrie is talking about? We know Carrie isn’t talking about Britney Spears because Brit Brit always sounds like her recordings. We also know that Carrie isn’t talking about the GREATEST SINGUH IN DA WORLD, Celine Dion, because Celine always hits her notes. And if you think you’ve heard Celine miss a note, get new ears. Your current ones are lying to you!  – Just Jared

Prepare to overdose on smug, because I have a feeling that Kevin Spacey is going to release another ultra smuggy video since a jury found him not liable in the sexual assault lawsuit that Anthony Rapp filed against him – NBC News

Water is wet, the sky is blue, bears shit in woods, and Liam and Noel Gallagher continue to redefine the meaning of unconditional brotherly love – Uproxx

Meanwhile, on the Sydney set of the movie remake of The Fall Guy, Ryan Gosling served “deadbeat son who got a job as a parking valet for one day to buy beer” – Lainey Gossip

Lupita Nyong’o had a very 2020s thought after Will Smith’s hand met Chris Rock’s face at the Oscars. No, she didn’t immediately get the idea to jump up and record a TikTok dance about it. Lupita, who was sitting near Will, says she immediately knew her reaction was going to be meme-fied – Celebitchy

Here I was going through life not knowing that Sarah Silverman and Kathryn Hahn were kosher-beefing over Kathryn, who isn’t Jewish, playing Joan Rivers. But apparently, there was a little tiff, and now it’s over – Pajiba

Either Jeffrey Katzenberg really hated Leonard Bernstein, or he snorted all kinds of mind-altering bad shit back in the day because he once tried to pitch a cartoon West Side Story movie starring cats. Did Jeffrey’s pitch start with, “It’s like Cats but WORSE!” But with that being said, I now really want to see Heathcliff the cartoon cat yodel out, “I just met a puss named Soooonja,” to the tune of MariaPlaybill

Billie Eilish saved us from a Bond song by Ed SheeranComplex


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