Hot Slut Of The Day!

October 3, 2022 / Posted by:

Michael Ross, one of the gold-hearted hero humans who saved an animal stranded from Hurricane Ian.

Hurricane Ian has taken dozens of human lives, destroyed neighborhoods, and left many, many without a home to go back to, including pets. My kryptonite lately has been watching videos of stranded animal friends getting rescued after Hurricane Ian fucked with them. Because not much warms the usually dead mound of freezer-burnt rotten meat I call a heart like watching an animal-in-need getting rescued. And one of those videos starred Michael Ross who became the internet’s boyfriend after he went viral for going into the flood waters to scoop up a stranded puss in his heroic arms and carry the cat to safety. That video is probably the reason why many 911 operators across the land got a call from people screaming, “Send help, I feel tightness and warmness in my chest!” And every 911 operator responded with, “Before I send an ambulance, I need to ask, did you happen to just watch that Hurricane Ian cat rescue video?”

The video of Cat Savior Michael becoming a Captain Save-A-Pussy was posted by his girlfriend, Megan Cruz Scavo, and it shows him rescuing the cat from a watery grave as his mom cheers him by saying, “Look at Michael saving the kitty.” WARNING: Watching this video may make you feel things.

It was very bold of Megan to post that clip of her man since it definitely made several hard-up cat-loving tramps swoon while opening their legs!

Michael tells the Naples News Daily that he and Megan live in Naples, FL and before Hurricane Ian hit their area, they went to his parent’s house in Bonita Springs, FL to ride out the storm there. During the storm, Michael and his family noticed a poor cat taking refuge on top of an air conditioning unit as the water got closer. After Michael saved the cat, the water ate that air conditioning unit, and the cat probably would’ve gone to Jesus. And Michael and Megan will keep the puss if they can’t find the cat’s human.

“I was able to go out there and get it, and it’s a good thing I did,” Ross said. “After that video was taken, the water came up like another 6 feet. And that air conditioner he was sitting on was underwater.”

Ross said the winds and water washed the house away.

“The cat would have surely died,” Ross said.

The Ross family hasn’t been able to find the owner.

“We’ve been trying to … Not sure if there is an owner,” Ross said. “If we can’t find one, I’m gonna keep it.”

Michael says he didn’t know Megan posted the video until it went viral. They decided to use the viral attention to raise money. Michael and Megan started a GoFundMe campaign to help pay for repairs to their house and other houses that were damaged by Hurricane Ian. They say that they will also donate “half of the proceeds raised by this to the Naples Humane Society.” So far they’ve raised $23k.

This tale ends on a happy note for that adorable cat. And I’m sure the cat will spend the rest of their days thanking Michael for saving them. And by that I mean, the cat will now expect Michael to carry them around everywhere and devote every waking moment to them. As it should be!

Pic: Twitter

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