Dave Coulier Shared His First Thoughts Upon Hearing Alanis Morissette’s “You Oughta Know”

July 15, 2022 / Posted by:

Back in the 90s, those of us who watched Full House on a Friday night for our dose of campy family wholesomeness didn’t realize that the zany, seemingly unfuckable Uncle Joey Gladstone was played by an actor who left the set after a long day of having his hand up a woodchuck puppet’s ass to go get his wang mouthified in a movie theater by our favorite new angsty artist, Alanis Morissette. But, after Uncle Joey, née Dave Coulier, first heard Alanis’ breakout 1995 hit, You Oughta Know, he realized that after the dissolution of their two-year relationship, he might be the guy who made some of the “mess” she was singing about.

Lots of time and history has passed since this ill-fated relationship (Dave is married to Melissa Bring; Alanis is married to Mario “Souleye” Treadway), but the impact of one angry woman’s song still strikes fear into the hearts of douchebags to this day. According to Page Six, Dave sat down for an interview with the SiriusXM show, Faction Talk, on Tuesday and said that as soon as he realized that the voice he heard singing the turbulent song was his ex-girlfriend, Alanis, he got his hands on her Jagged Little Pill album as fast as he could.

The “Full House” star says he was driving in Detroit when he first heard Morissette’s vengeful heartbreak classic “You Oughta Know” — which has long been rumored to be about him — on the radio.

The comedian, now 62, was really enjoying the song before he recognized the singer’s famous voice and thought to himself, “Ooh, oh no! Oh, I can’t be this guy!”

After listening to just that one song, Coulier quickly found a record store to purchase the album. He went to his car, parked on a random street and listened to the album from start to finish.

Morissette and Coulier started dating in 1992 when the singer was 18 and the funnyman was 33. The pair broke up after two years and the “Ironic” singer released the Grammy-winning album just a year later.

Hearing about what a jerk-off you’ve been via an uber-popular song on the radio has to be a really prickly, pants-shitting feeling. As Dave listened further, he recognized other eerily specific and identifying things within lyrics of other songs on the album, like the mention of a weird “fish handshake”–which sounds like the most corny, dumbass Uncle Joey thing that I’ve ever heard of anyone doing.

“There was a lot of familiar stuff in there that her and I had talked about,” Coulier said. “Like [in ‘Right Through You’] ‘your shake is like a fish.’ I’d go, ‘Hey, dead fish me,’ and we’d do this dead-fish handshake. And so I started listening to it and I thought, ‘Ooh, I think I may have really hurt this woman.’ And that was my first thought.”

Here’s Dave talking about it:

Apparently, Alanis’ song was so accusatory and chilling to many of the men that she’d been with that Dave wasn’t the only ex-suitor that thought the album was about him; and Alanis isn’t confirming to incriminate or denying to relieve any of these dudes.

“No revealing,” Morissette, 48, told Andy Cohen in 2019. “But I am intrigued at the thought — or at the fact — that more than one person has taken credit for it. I’m thinking, I don’t know if you want to take credit for being the person I wrote ‘You Oughta Know’ about.”

She continued, “I just think: If you’re going to take credit for a song where I’m singing about someone being a douche or an a–hole, you might not want to say, ‘Hey! That’s me!’”

Hurt her, ya think?! Nothing gets past you, Dave Coulier. I need more details about what made her so furious though. Was it his tragic 90s mullet? Did he exclaim his catchphrase “CUT.IT.OUT!” (complete with hand motions) just one too many times? Did he make a big deal about Alanis leaving nail marks down his back? Also, did Ryan Reynolds ever get a vocal reaming on a subsequent album? Alanis’ method of letting her lyrics ambiguously disburse guilt to eat her exes up from the inside out rather than be so obvious is the masterful gift that keeps on giving, even decades later. Taylor Swift, take better notes.

Pics: Instagram; Kristin Callanhan/ACE PICTURES/INSTARimages.com

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