YouTube Temporarily Demonetized James Charles After He Was Accused Of Creeping On More Minors

April 20, 2021 / Posted by:

21-year-old millionaire beauty YouTuber (and my parents said going to school would get me a good job, LOL) James Charles has been accused of creeping on underage boys on numerous occasions. Numerous. And it looks like it’s finally catching up with him because YouTube has temporarily halted his channel of being able to make ad money, and Morphe Cosmetics is done with him too. Womp-womp. A demonetized YouTube channel means any tear-filled forty-minute apology video which follows will be absolutely profitless! A YouTuber’s nightmare! If you can’t make money off apologizing, why even do it?

James Charles has 25.5 million YouTube subscribers. And now their clicks are worth nothing, sister. Apparently, with several underage boys coming forward to accuse James of gross conduct, YouTube has decided to take action. Most recently, James was accused of sending “lewd” pictures to an underage boy who claimed he told James he was 16. James has given several statements denying purposely sexting teens and even posted a video on April 1st where he apologized for his behavior.

Gizmodo says that as of last night, YouTube disabled the ability for James to cash in on videos. This is part of their Partner Program, which says in its “creator responsibility policy” that they can take action:

“If we see that a creator’s on- and/or off-platform behavior harms our users, community, employees or ecosystem, we may take action to protect the community.”

YouTube says they will take action against people who cause “malicious” or “real world harm” to others through abuse, violence, or fraudulent behavior. And listen that’s nice and all, but also one far-right YouTuber, Steven Crowder, literally has a video where he gets someone to hold their knee on his back as he lies down to “prove” that George Floyd could not have been killed by police, and regularly posts virulently racist content–and he’s still monetized. So, it’s nice of them to punish James but maybe be consistent, YouTube.

YouTube hasn’t said how long James will be suspended from the Partner Program or if they’ll let him back in. And it’s not the only gig he lost, Morphe has said, “Bye, sister,” to James Charles over all the allegations that he’s a junior R. Kelly-in-training:

But according to James’ Twitter statement, he had reached out to Morphe and they “mutually agreed” to stop the partnership. Sure, Jan, everyone always willingly gives up high-paying gigs.

Poor James (not at all), I’m sure that he misses the simpler days when his only PR issue was a faulty sample package from Lauren Conrad.


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