Nick Cannon’s Rep Denies That He’s Thinking Of Suing ViacomCBS

August 13, 2020 / Posted by:

Nick Cannon has apologized not once, not twice, but as many times as Mariah Carey has reachable octaves, and still, ViacomCBS is standing firm to their decision to fire him last month after he promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories on his podcast, Cannon’s Class. Nick has been the host of Wild’N Out, the show he created in 2005, for 15 seasons. Nick fired back at ViacomCBS, saying he deserved an apology from them, for firing him without discussing where he was coming from, and he demanded they hand over the rights to his show. Well, ViacomCBS didn’t give Nick his show. And recently, rumors started popping up on the internet that Nick was planning to sue ViacomCBS for $1.5 billion for the rights to Wild’N Out. But Nick’s rep has come forward to kill that billion-dollar lawsuit rumor.

This talk of a billion-dollar lawsuit stems from a statement that was allegedly released by Nick’s people, who claim he had begun the process of suing for the rights to his show. Here was the statement, via Rap-Up:

“It is just that simple, Wild’N Out belongs to Nick! The show was created by Nick Cannon with his idea and original thought. Wild’N Out has brought billions of dollars in revenue to Viacom since 2015. And Nick deserves and has earned everything it is worth.

From the platforms he provides for other entertainers, the jobs he creates for Black youth, the time he gives to mentoring incarcerated men and women, to the money he gives back and puts into communities, homelessness, and people less fortunate. He is constantly evolving both spiritually and mentally, as well as, taking action in learning, education and bridging the gap within the Jewish and African-American communities, so that it will allow us to build relationships, work together and learn from each other in order to move forward in equality.”

Ah yes, as opposed to what ViacomCBS will inevitably do with the money, which I assume is to dump it into a giant pile, and have every CEO and board member take turns rolling around naked on top.

According to reports online, Nick was suing for $1.5 billion, which is the alleged value of the Wild’N Out brand. Wild’N Out is a TV show that is popular with the youths and is an easy enough show to put on, production-wise. The format of Wild’N Out is kind of a sketch comedy/improv game show, where two teams of comedians compete against each other with jokes. Each episode also has a musical performance. So it’s simple to create on the road. It’s also easy enough to replace Nick Cannon as host, which I’m sure ViacomCBS is making plans to do. But, Nick allegedly didn’t want that, and he also allegedly didn’t want ViacomCBS’s hands on his show anymore.

All that lawsuit talk no doubt had people picturing Nick marching into a courtroom in a pinstripe suit and matching turban, slamming a briefcase onto a desk. That’s not so, according to The New York Daily News. Nick’s rep released the following statement that attempted to shush the people gossiping about Nick’s alleged lawsuit dreams.

“These reports are inaccurate. Nick’s focus right now is on unifying communities and combatting bigotry, racism and hate of all kinds, not seeking personal financial gain.”

A quick peek at Nick’s Instagram account shows that he is focusing on social justice at the moment. Nick has been reading and educating himself in an attempt to re-learn the things that got him in trouble last month. He’s also been talking about embracing people who are willing to learn as opposed to “cancelling” them. Huh, I wonder who he’s talking about?

So we’ll probably have to wait and see if Nick ever ends up suing ViacomCBS for the rights to his show. In the meantime, I’m sure ViacomCBS is happy to have it, considering it allegedly makes them so much money. But how can ViacomCBS go forward with Wild’N Out if Nick isn’t involved? Maybe if ViacomCBS listens to any of Nick’s online lessons, they might be motivated to forgive Nick, or at least to just give him his show back. Because really, I don’t know how many members of Gen Z would want to watch ViacomCBS Presents: Wild’N Out. It sounds like a corporate presentation given at a mandatory work retreat. “Your momma is so dumb…she could barely increase third-quarter profits!


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