Hot Slut Of The Day!

August 11, 2020 / Posted by:

Bear, the life-saving Yorkie!

Yorkies get a bad rap. Some people think that Yorkies are just annoying lapdogs who are more high strung than a retail store manager the day before the district manager shows up (I mean, Yorkies do have that retail store manager haircut), and some believe their only real skill is making ears fall off with their constant yapping. But Bear here shit on that stereotype when he saved his humans from getting bit by a rattlesnake. And no, Bear didn’t save them by barking at that rattlesnake until that rattlesnake’s last nerve cracked and it slithered away.

Devin Diede tells KEVN that he, his wife Alex, and their Yorkie named Bear were hiking on Centennial Trail in the Black Hills of South Dakota when they unknowingly walked up to a rattlesnake. Well, Devin and Alex had no idea but Bear did and that’s because that damn rattlesnake bit him! Bear didn’t cry in pain or anything, so Devin and Alex weren’t sure if he was bitten, but they noticed he had trouble walking on his front leg. So they scooped him up and shuffled him off to the vet.

Because they had to run two miles to their car and then drive to the animal hospital, it took about 90 minutes, and when they finally got there, Bear couldn’t walk anymore. The vets discovered that Bear was bit on his chest, and thankfully, they fixed him up:

“Thankfully, the veterinarians and technicians at the emergency animal clinic in Rapid City were wonderful. The vet took him and immediately started a blood transfusion,” Devin said.

It was “heartbreaking” for Alex and Devin to leave bear at the vet overnight, not knowing if he would live or not. the vet determined that the bite was on his chest near his shoulder, and thankfully, there was only one puncture wound.

Devin says that Bear is walking again and is going to be fine. Devin and Alex believe that Bear is a true hero because if he didn’t get bit by the rattlesnake, Alex would’ve, “Alex would have stepped on the snake and bit her if Bear had not been there to take the bite.”

See, Yorkies SAVE LIVES! My dog would’ve stopped in front of that rattlesnake, turned around, got behind me, and then used every bit of strength in his body to push me into that rattlesnake as punishment for taking him hiking. So Devin and Alex really owe Bear and better not even think of releasing a shush from their mouths when Bear spends 3 hours barking over the sound of a leaf falling. He earned it!

Pic: Devin Diede

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