Afternoon Crumbs

July 30, 2020 / Posted by:

The nominations for the MTV VMAs, which are supposed to happen next month, are out and Ariana Grande and Lady Gaga tied for the most nominations with nine each, thanks to their golden showers anthem Rain On Me. The VMAs added some categories for the times we’re living in, like Best Music Video From Home and Best Quarantine Performance, and well, Gal Gadot needs to call 911 and report MTV for robbing her since her star-studded video for Imagine (All The People Cringing At This Shit) was not nominated! – Just Jared

Finding Freedom apparently sets the record straight on that tiara SCANDAL before Prince Hot Ginge and Meghan Markle’s wedding, but whatever, it really should’ve ended with PHG wearing the tiara and nothing else to his wedding – Lainey GossipĀ 

Lily Allen celebrated her one-year sober anniversary while vacationing in Capri, and her piece David Harbour wasn’t with her. Either they broke up, or because of our coronavirus numbers here in the states, Italy is saying to American citizens what Grindr tricks say to me when I show up to their house after sending them old pics: “Yeah, um, no, get the fuck out of here.” – Celebitchy

The current comedy capital of the world is…. Yellow Springs, OH – Pajiba

Woe is Nicki Minaj who is learning the trials and tribulations of making a baby with a registered sex offender – The Blast

And here’s Andy Cohen saying “hole” repeatedly while looking like a regular at The Reagle Beagle – Towleroad

If you’re planning on watching the Emmys this year, expect to hear about a thousand huhs, whats, and Icanthearyous, because they’re going virtual this year – SOW

I did always wonder what those concrete logs in parking lots were really for and now I know that their sole purpose is to be lounging hard pillows for pussies – OMG Blog

Pic: YouTube


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