Hot Slut Of The Day!

July 10, 2020 / Posted by:

Stella, the “talking” dog!

Stella is a dog from San Diego, CA whose human, speech pathologist, Christina Hunger claims to have taught how to communicate. Christina’s Instagram page currently has 760k followers and that’s all because of the brilliance of Stella. Stella became a STAH last year when People did a profile on her last year (and no, not a Most Beautiful People profile, and yes, dogs are people) after learning that she can communicate with humans. Christina and her fiance Jake McConkey, built a soundboard that lets out words that were pre-recorded by Christina and Jake. Stella was then trained to hit the buttons to communicate. That soundboard is really damn big. If I built a soundboard for my dog to communicate with me, it would just need three word buttons on it: feed, me, and motherfucker!

Christina first taught Stella one word and now Stella is up to 39 words. Here’s a couple of examples of Stella’s skills, like her telling Christina that she wants water:

And here’s Stella letting them know she wants to go to the park:

Of course there are some HATERS who don’t think that Stella is really communicating. There’s a Slate article calledCan That Dog On Instagram Really Talk?” The answer is not really because we’re not given the full context of the videos and us humans will believe what we want to believe. That’s what anthropologist and an expert in dog intelligence, Brian Hare, said:

In the end, Stella’s videos are less about her than they are about us. “A lot of people strongly believe or want to believe that dogs are highly intelligent, and they are, but not necessarily for the reasons that Stella seems to be exhibiting,” says Hare. People love science-y “discoveries” as long as you confirm what they believe, he says, but once you present evidence that challenges that? “You’re absolutely the turd in the punch bowl,” he says.

Whatever, how does Brian Hare explain this video of Stella saying she’s mad after Christina asks her what’s wrong:

Although, I don’t think Stella is mad because she’s “hangry.” I think she’s mad because Christina is filming in portrait mode!

Pic: YouTube

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