Wendy Williams Joked About Joaquin Phoenix’s Lip Scar, And It Didn’t Go Over Well With Some People

January 15, 2020 / Posted by:

Yesterday, Wendy Williams asked Howard Stern to take a holiday from dragging her, and leave her alone. If Howard was struggling to write a snappy rebuttal to Wendy, he no longer has to worry about pulling an all-nighter to come up with a good burn. I can already hear Howard lean into his microphone and ask, “How about we leave the jokes to The Joker?” Because a clip from a week-old episode of Wendy’s show is gaining a little attention on the internet today, in which Wendy appears to get a couple of laughs from her audience by doing an impression of Joaquin Phoenix’s lip.

When Joaquin Phoenix isn’t wearing a full face of beard, he has a fairly prominent scar above his upper lip. For years people believed it was the result of corrective surgery on a cleft palate. Joaquin explained to Vanity Fair last year that his scar is just something he was born with.

Page Six says that Wendy got into Joaquin during the January 7th episode, which was filmed a day after the Golden Globe awards (Joaquin won Best Actor in a Drama). Wendy addressed the fact that Beyoncé decided to stay seated when Joaquin won, which Wendy thinks is fine because Beyoncé smiled and “that’s enough.” Which led Wendy to admit she thinks Joaquin is “oddly attractive.” She didn’t stop there:

“He knows how to transform. Like when he shaves that [beard] off, and he looks at you? And he’s got that good nose, it dips way down – like he’s happy with it? But so am I? And when he shaves off his moustache, he’s got a hairline fracture. He’s got one of those, what do you call it, cleft lip, cleft palate. He’s got this…”

And that’s when Wendy pushed her top lip up with her finger to pantomime a cleft lip. While some people laughed, Wendy – finger still all the way up in there – said that she finds it very attractive.

You can watch it all at the 9:40 mark below:


Wendy may think Joaquin’s lip is cute, but some people on the internet didn’t think her joke was very cute. Like a Canadian pro football player named Adam Bighill, whose son Beau was born with a cleft palate. Adam has been tweeting at Wendy for an apology for the past five days. He also dragged Ellen DeGeneres into it.

Wendy has yet to apologize, and she probably won’t. Wendy is more of a casual shrug and a dismissive “whatever” person. But she really didn’t have to mention Joaquin’s lip, and she certainly didn’t have to show us. We know what Joaquin looks like. His lip is probably his second-most recognized trademark. And she didn’t need to specify that a clean-shaven Joaquin is what does it for her. Wendy, it does it for a lot of us, and the reason is because some people don’t like to wonder how many vegan meatball crumbs they’ll find if they run their hands through his beard.

Pic: YouTube

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