Open Post: Hosted By Jeremy Renner’s Amazon Store Of Outdoor Equipment 

August 14, 2019 / Posted by:

Besides that spindly ass tree stump with the voice of an angel Groot (don’t @me, Vin Diesel’s honey-dipped gravel voice is music to my ears), Hawkeye may be the most useless of all the Avengers to have been committed to celluloid. And I think Jeremy Renner knows this. Since his name’s never going to appear above Bradley Cooper’s on the Avengers’ call sheet, and his career as a rock star hasn’t taken off just yet, Jeremy’s wisely diversified his income stream to include a collection of outdoor gear to be sold on Amazon. Oh, you didn’t know Jeremy was a great outdoors man? Outdoors men can wear eyeliner and wallet chains too you know!

People Magazine reports that as of today, you can purchase all manner of outdoor equipment, presumably hand selected by Hawkeye himself.

The 90-piece curated collection features an assortment of sporting, camping, and outdoor equipment, including everyday necessities, like Neosporin and Levi’s jeans, and fun splurges, like an archery target and a compound bow set — similar to the weapon Renner’s beloved Marvel character, Hawkeye, prefers.

“The only law in nature is Mother Nature herself so you want to be prepared,” the actor and outdoorsman, 49, tells PEOPLE of his collection (available today on “But there are also things that are just fun to have when you’re outside…things that you want.”

Jeremy has a cabin in Tahoe so you know he loves the outdoors!

To further prove his rugged, nature-loving bonafides, Jeremy donned some light summer plaids and hit the great outdoors for a photo shoot with a few of the items available in Amazon’s Jeremy Renner Store.

What’s that he sees? A rare crested fatcheck! How special is that?! It’s a good thing because he presumably still has those those $16,000 a month child support payments to make, and vanity music videos don’t come cheap. Even if the real Main Attraction, Taika Waititi, did agree to do it for free AND brought his own hot dog suit.

Haha, I’m kidding. That song was recorded for a Jeep commercial so he probably got paid for this too. I see you Jerm, get that money!

Pic: Amazon

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