Open Post: Hosted By This Holy Mural Of George Michael In Australia

January 15, 2017 / Posted by:

The Music (via Queerty) reported on this lovely new mural of the late, great George Michael. It’s by Australian artist Scott Marsh and depicts George with a saintly halo, wearing white and rainbow-hued clerical garb, and bearing weed and poppers. I’m pretty sure this beautiful and holy vision has been experienced by many a Provincetown or Fire Island summer partier after partaking too freely of… what have you.

It’s George Michael as “patron saint of the gays!” (An equally dead Bea Arthur would like a word, Scott.) Scott explained his work, which he had permission to paint from the building’s owners who were friends with George.

They were telling me stories about him and their times with him in Sydney and he sounded like a pretty incredible person, so I just sat down with them and threw some ideas around. The idea we stuck with was him as the patron saint of the gays. They love it.”

Important detail: Since patron saints tend to cradle some sort of magical talisman, Marsh thought it wise to paint a joint and big bottle of amyl into Michael’s paws.

“[His friends] were like, ‘I don’t think we ever saw him without a joint in his hand,” he says, “‘and put amyl in his other hand,’ and I just thought, that’s too funny.”

This seems like the sort of thing George would have loved.

Pic: Instagram

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