Charlie Sheen Says That Crazy “Tiger Blood” Time In His Life Was Caused By Testosterone Cream

February 23, 2016 / Posted by:

Yeah, okay…” said drugs. No. It totally wasn’t drugs. At least according to Charlie Sheen it wasn’t. So, remember way way back to 2011 when Charlie Sheen was at peak-Charlie Sheen? When he was fucking piles of porn stars and ranting like a crack-smoking subway cockroach about winning and warlocks and tiger blood pumping through his veins? It doesn’t take the wisdom of the Cartoon All-Stars to assume that Crazy Unky Chuck had been snorting everything under his kitchen sink. But apparently that wasn’t the case. The real culprit? Testosterone cream.

Page Six says Charlie is once again talking to his new BFF Dr. Oz on Wednesday, this time about what made him such a mess five years ago. They also discussed Charlie’s recent rage out when he called his ex-wife Denise Richards a “puss wart” via a text sent to their daughter and threatened to kill them. Apparently all that anger comes from having too many jacked-up male hormones running around in his system.

“It was a lot of highs and lows. I was taking a lot of testosterone cream, and I think I went too far with it. It was kind of like a borderline…not a ‘roid rage, but a ‘roid disengage.”

Since the only cream I’m familiar with is the kind you spray into your mouth from a can, I had to look up what the hell testosterone cream was. Apparently it’s used for dudes who need to increase their testosterone levels. Okay, I’m no medical professional, but even I know that shit should come with a warning that says “Do NOT apply directly to Charlie Sheen.

Pic: Sony Pictures Television

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