Hot Slut Of The Day!

December 5, 2012 / Posted by:

Blockbuster’s VHS plastic case!

When I was at my aunt’s house for Thanksgiving, one of my teenage cousins complained about opening a Netflix red envelope. You know, because opening an envelope is hard. I wanted to get all old on him by telling him to shut his mouth, because I remember when we had to work hard to rent a movie. I didn’t say that, instead I acted like I was so ahead of him and said something like, “I know, that’s why I stream all of my movies. I’m surprised you don’t do that.” But seriously, remember when we had to work hard (not really) to rent a movie from Blockbuster? A regular Friday night at Blockbuster usually went like this:

1. As soon as my mom parked the car, I’d run in and go directly to the “New Releases” section. If a big movie just came out, Blockbuster usually had dozens of copies of it. I’d check behind all the covers for an empty VHS plastic case. If there wasn’t a VHS plastic case behind any of the covers, I’d move on to step 2.

2. I’d go to the cashier area and ask an employee if the movie I wanted was recently returned. They’d throw me an obligatory eye roll before pointing to a stack of returned VHS tapes they didn’t put back on the shelves yet and tell me to look for myself. It usually wasn’t there, so I’d go on to step 3…

3. Find another movie!

And then you had to remember to return it in 2 or 5 days. See, renting VHS tapes in the olden days was an ordeal. Youngins just don’t know.

(Pic via Tumblr)

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