Blind Items: I Guess, You Guess

April 8, 2010 / Posted by:

Which macho sports star has a secret penchant for slim dark men? The fella in question has a girlfriend but made a play for another man at the weekend… (3am)

Just ignore the macho part and go with Cristiano Ronaldo? The brows don’t lie!

This former A list television actor and former B list movie actor is now on a hit cable television show, but he is probably just a B- now. Big, big name recognition though. He is married to an actress. Anyway, he recently has been sporting bruises all over his body. When his friends asked how he got them, our actor said it was from a new kick boxing regimen. Actually though they are a result of his wife toppling a full bookcase on our actor after she caught him passed out drunk on their living room floor. He had told her he was sober now. (CDAN)

David Duchovny & Tea Leoni? They could’ve just blamed it on the earthquake.

We know it’s always surprising to hear about couples who split a long time ago without our knowing it. This good-looking acting couple is another example. They’ve each done at least one long-running series, and have done many film roles. They’ve each been red-hot at some point, but have both cooled off in the career department. Errors on his part, rumors on her part. While he was definitely not the ideal family man, she didn’t turn out to be an angel either. They publicly split, then got back together, saying that they were going to renew their wedding vows. You probably didn’t know that the renewed vows never happened. In fact, the couple is already divorced. While the story isn’t out there yet, at least you now know the naked truth. (The Blind Gossip)

See above.

This very young, but legal, socialite reality star (not cable) was at a party the other night when she made it very clear that she was available for the night for the right price. Her asking price? $25,000. When one guy asked her how come she charged so much she said, “I’m on a reality show. I have a DVD of one of the episodes if you want to watch.” (CDAN)

Malik So-Chic from that High Society disaster? It costs extra to lick his bald head.

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