DWTS: Kate Gosselin Continues To Outdo Herself

April 6, 2010 / Posted by:

And by “outdo” herself, I mean “outsuck” herself. On last night’s Dancing with the (make quote fingers) Stars, Kate Gosselin chose to stomp and stumble to “Paparazzi,” because she says she can’t leave her house without them swarming around her. If Mady Gosselin were here, she’d tell you that her mom can’t leave the house without speed-dialing the paparazzi 15-minutes beforehand.

As expected, Kate was so terrible last night that all you could do was laugh. Just like all you can do is laugh when your construction worker uncle who suffers from fecal incontinence tries to do the Macarena at a wedding. I mean, even Frankenstein’s monster has more grace than this. IT’S NOT ALIVE!!!!:

In totally related news, Jon Grosselin will file papers in court asking for primary custody of the child army, as well as spousal support from Kate. Jon will argue that Kate is hardly around to raise the kids since she’s off embarrassing herself again on national TV. Jon says that Dancing with the Stars is hurting his kids.

While I agree that Kate’s dancing causes damage to anybody with two semi-working eyeballs, Jon shouldn’t be in charge of raising a dehydrated turd let alone 8 living children. Obviously, Kate’s old possum head should raise the kids.

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