Tamar Braxton Quit Mid-Performance In Snoop Dogg’s Musical

November 16, 2018 / Posted by:

Well, this is a fine way to find out that Snoop Dogg is now a dramaturg! Snoop is starring in an autobiographical stage play called “Redemption of a Dogg” and one of his co-stars is Tamar Braxton who plays his guiding angel and helps him find his path to Martha Stewart, I guess. However, at a recent performance in Washington, DC, Tamar disappeared halfway through the show and another actress had to take her place for the second half. After the performance, the audience was told she left because she had “an emergency”, but Daily Mail reports it was because Tamar was hongray and threw a fit when her food didn’t arrive backstage.


According to The Washington Post:

The first sign that something was amiss was during the intermission, which dragged on waaay longer than the audience expected. The comedian who had been the show’s warm-up act took to the stage to entertain the restless crowd, according to one attendee, and the break lasted nearly an hour. Technical difficulties, the audience was told.

But when the show resumed, another actress was playing Braxton’s lead role, an angel who guides Snoop’s character as he navigates the rocky shores of fame, family and faith. A ripple went through the audience, our spy says, when they realized there had been a switcheroo.

I can’t imagine how disappointed they must have been to have Tamar replaced with an actual actor! It was her hometown performance, though, so I’m sure there were a lot of people there just to see her. Too bad.


The Daily Mail says that the real reason Tamar left was because she had asked a friend to bring her a plate but she didn’t tell security so they weren’t allowed in. When she found out, her angel wings turned to dust and she went off. A witness said:

She kept screaming, “she’s not here for this,” talking about herself in the third person and then saying, “I’m so sick of this shit,”‘ recalled the source.

‘Then she said, “you can do this damn show without her,” again, addressing herself in the third person.’

Apparently, even Snoop attempted to rationalize with his co-star to convince her to finish the show, but not even he could keep her from storming out of the building.

Damn, she should have said no to the rehearsal brownies Snoop brought in. At any rate, I can’t say I’m surprised. She did post an unheeded warning on Instagram.


But Tamar fans in the L.A. and Oakland areas need not worry. Tamar promises she’ll be there for the next two shows.


I just hope they get some craft services up in there, or else Snoop’s angel might snap again.

Pic: Wenn.com

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